preschool learning /art projects /activities/classroom activities

Activities/Projects for preschool learners        

How to get the way to design an activity

Activities are designed to the level of learners. Activities for young learners  should be interesting and pleasing.Before designing an activity or art project you should know your learners better .What motivates your learners?  What is your learners' interest? A successful and learning activity/ project depends on two elements, one is learners' interest and second is environment .Both are a source of enjoyment .By a deep observation you could get to know your learners' interest and by building rapport you make a healthy and supportive atmosphere without any fear and stress.

I had observed many times young learners during activity and the result was different every time ;sometimes they lost their interest in the beginning ...sometimes they were given completed project/activity in hands to show their parents at home where the learning was zero...sometimes the activity was too long to consume time and it was stopped....or it didn't have any suitable material for young learners......the participation of children were less than an educator.......there was no support of the educator.